MOUNT CARMEL BAPTIST #1 CHURCH CEMETERY, Oconee County, SC aka Devil's Fork State Park Version 1.0, 1-Jul-2007, C118A.TXT, C118A ******************************************************************************** It's believed that the usage of any original work submittals contained within these webpages such as articles, compiling, photographs or graphics, conform to Fair Use Doctrine & Copyright Guidelines. COPYRIGHT NOTE: (1.) Works published before 1923, are considered to be public- domain. (2.) Works published 1923-1977 without a copyright notice, are considered to be public-domain. (3.) Unpublished non-copyrighted works will have Author permission for public-domain. Facts, names, dates, events, places & data can not be copyrighted. Narration, compilations and creative works can be copyrighted. Copyright law in the U.S. does not protect facts or data, just the presentation of this data. REPRODUCING NOTICE: These electronic pages may only be reproduced for personal or 501(c) Not-For-Profit Society use. Use the following names, if, you would like to give any author compiling credit. AUTHORS: Paul M. Kankula-NN8NN & Gary L. Flynn-KE8FD *********************************************************************** 05-01-15 LOCATION: --------- Locate the intersection of highways 130 and 11. Drive 1.6 miles east on highway 11 and turn left at Devil's Fork State Park sign. Drive 3.9 miles north. Church cemetery is located on right side of road. HISTORY: -------- Church and cemetery was originally in a different location - now covered by water. When Lake Jocassee was built, the church and most of the cemetery graves were moved to their present location. o----------o Preston Oliver (Press) Holcombe "Mr. Press," the eldest son of "Preacher Billy," lived in the community all of his adult life. Although not a minister, he was a diligent student of the Bible and taught the Adult Bible Class as long as his health permitted. Holcombe was always there to lead the discussion on the selected topic or chapter and never wavered in his clear interpretation of the scriptures. His basic sources of information were his Sunday School book and his much used Bible. CHURCH BUILDINGS AND CEMETERY The first building that was used for Mt. Carmel Church was located on a steep hill with the cemetery in the churchyard. The building was about 18' wide and 26' or 28' in length. It had wooden pews, and on each side of the pulpit about three pews faced each other. The singers gathered around the pump organ or piano to one side of the pulpit. Later in the service this area was used by the beginners or card class for Sunday School. Across the aisle was the area known as the "Amen Corner" that was used for the Adult Bible Class. On either side of the front door, two areas were sectioned off for additional Sunday School spaces. Wires were strung from one area to another, and green burlap curtains, later white ones, could be pulled to close off the spaces. By the 1950's the church members realized that there was not enough parking space on the hill. The cemetery had taken up much of the church's land, and, since the road up the hill was not paved, access was very poor during rainy weather. A new building site was selected in a flatter area just across the highway. The deacons, Ray Holcombe, Ernest Hamilton and Mack Smith, on behalf of Mr. Carmel Baptist Church, purchased from Grace P. Brown (Mrs. Arthur) on January 5, 1954 for $1.00 all that certain piece, parcel or lot of land in Jocassee School District #41... containing about one (1) acre of land. "Being cut off for said church of my Jocassee tract known as the Dr. Mann Lands" (Oconee County Deed Book 6V.200). The old church building was purchased by Henry Harper for $300.00. He tore it down and used the lumber to construct a small home in the Cave Hill area near Salem for his parents, Lawrence and Emma Harper. Arthur Brown sent a bulldozer and driver to prepare the new site for construction. Gerald Holcombe also helped to level the land for the planned building and parking lot. The new church was constructed for about $3,300 by a work crew headed by Dick Stancell. Acker's Building Supply of Pickens sold the church the materials at cost. Additional help was obtained from church members who donated their labor free, mostly on Saturdays. Water for both the old and new building was carried from the spring located down the hill from the second location: early arrivals took the water buckets down the hill and filled them before each service. The outdoor toilets at the nearby school house were used as bathroom facilities. The new building and improved parking served the congregation well for several years. Baptismal services were usually held the first Sunday in October. This was a follow up for the new converts who joined the church during the August protracted meetings. On the designated Sunday, the congregation met at the Baptizing Hole on Whitewater River just upstream from the last cabin at Camp Jocassee. A favorite swimming hole, the campers used the place in the afternoon. At this point, Whitewater River made a slight curve and there was a big sand bar and a level beach. The minister and the baptismal candidates walked out to mid-stream where the water was about waist deep on adults. There the baptisms were conducted... Submitted By: Unknown Source o---------- The Organizational meeting for Mt. Carmel Baptist Church was held on Saturday, November 2, 1878. From the church minutes: The State of South Carolina - Oconee County November the 2nd 1878 Met at Jocassee Meeting House and after worship the members were called to order by Elder J. Owens. 1st. Received the following helps of sister churches, from Salem Elder J. Owens and D. Littleton and deacon J. Whitmire: from New Hope Elder J. Butler. The Presbytery organized by appointing Elder J. Owens moderator and Elder D. Littleton Clerk. 2nd. Called on members for Letters. The following members presented letters to wit: P.W. Reavis, Catherine Revis, Martin Reavis, Merida Hudgen, Mary Hudens, J. Patterson, N.J. Patterson, Rosann Revis, Martha Smith, S.C. Sanders, Elizabeth Sanders. Read the articles of faith of the Fork Baptist Association whitch [sic] they adopted as their [illegible] to be constituded [sic] on constitutional. Prayers by Elder J. Butler, charge given by the moderator. The presbytery give [sic] to the membership the right hand of fellowship. Then pronounced them to be a church according to Baptist faith and order. Called the name of the church: Mt. Carmel [could have been added later - see July 1885]. On motion, R.W. Reavis was elected deacon. Opened the doors of the church and received Isaac Crow by experience. Dismissed in order M. Hudgen, Clerk November 3 (1878) after worship, opened the doors of the church and received Sara Crow by experience. Submitted by: Unknown source DATAFILE INPUT . : Paul M. Kankula at (visit above website) in Jul-2000 MaryClyde Mungo in Sep-2006 HISTORY WRITE-UP : Paul M. Kankula at (visit above website) in Jul-2000 LIBRARY REFERENCE: ____________ at ____________ in _______ TRANSCRIPTION .. : Paul M. Kankula at (visit above website) in Jul-2000 TRANSCRIPTION NOTES: -------------------- a. = age at death b. = date of birth d. = date of death h. = husband p. = parents w. = wife (12) Unmarked, unknown or unreadable graves BARRON, Infant Daughter, b. 14-sep-1911, d. 14-sep-1911, p. w.f. & n.e. barron BARRON, W.F., b. 29-jul-1868, d. 19-jan-1913 BLACK, Grace, b. 12-dec-1945, d. 1-jun-1953 BRYSON, David Lee, b. 8-mar-1932, d. 14-feb-1962 CANTRELL, Anna L., b. 15-apr-1868, d. 18-mar-1895, w. j.t. cantrell CANTRELL, Ben Henry, b. 8-jul-1894, d. 4-apr-1964, w. m.g. cantrell CANTRELL, Ernest C., b. 13-nov-1916, w. v.l. cantrell CANTRELL, Flora, b. 30-nov-1935, d. 30-nov-1935, twin CANTRELL, Floyd, b. 30-nov-1935, d. 4-dec-1935, twin CANTRELL, James Larry, b. 28-apr-1935, d. 12-aug-1936 CANTRELL, James Thomas, b. 26-sep-1872, d. 18-apr-1929, w. a.l. cantrell CANTRELL, John Benjamin, b. 17-jan-1951, d. 12-jun-1970, f. e.c. cantrell CANTRELL, Myrtle G., b. 30-aug-1898, d. 8-sep-1982, h. b.h. cantrell CANTRELL, Oscar, b. 18-feb-1895, d. 18-feb-1895 CANTRELL, Verona Lyda, b. 22-may-1916, d. 28-feb-1992, h. e.c. cantrell CANTRELL, W.H., b. 13-feb-1841, d. 5-sep-1934 CASH, Alice C., b. 27-apr-1870, d. 30-jun-1947, buried next to thomas cash CASH, C. Horris, b. 6-may-1935, d. 7-apr-2000, buried next to m.m. cash CASH, Margaret M., b. 13-may-1953, buried next to c.h. cash CASH, Thomas, b. 13-sep-1861, d. 12-jul-1940, buried next to a.c. cash CHAPMAN, Addie C., b. 25-oct-1890, d. 23-mar-1987, buried next to w.m. chapman CHAPMAN, Randy Earl, b. 24-dec-1944, d. 24-dec-1944 CHAPMAN, Wayman M., b. 2-sep-1881, d. 10-may-1963, buried next to a.c. chapman CRAWFORD, Iris F., b. 2-apr-1926, d. 26-sep-1997 CROW, Ader Catherine, b. 1-apr-1890, d. 24-apr-1895, p. joseph & mary crow CROW, I.A., b. 18-mar-1855, d. 11-aug-1908 CROW, Isaac, b. 1826, d. 11-jan-1893, a. 67y, w. elizabeth crow CROW, Jesse, b. 12-oct-1910, d. 21-sep-1923, p. l.a. & m.e. crow CROW, John M., b. 28-mar-1850, d. 30-sep-1915, w. sarah crow CROW, Louie A., b. 1893, d. 1953, buried next to m.e. crow CROW, Mary Louise, b. 1943, d. 1944, p. l.w. & v.e. crow CROW, Minnie E., b. 1893, buried next to l.a. crow CROW, Roy, p. l.a. & m.e. crow CROW, Sarah, b. 29-may-1857, d. 7-aug-1931, h. j.m. crow CROW, Weldon A., b. 27-may-1918, d. 17-nov-1943 dodgins DODGINS, Dover, d. 6-oct-1928, buried next to olie dodgins DODGINS, Ollie Cash, b. 12-jan-1891, d. 23-feb-1931, buried next to dover ELLENBURG, Elzie L., b. 1911, d. 1955, buried next to l.h. ellenburg ELLENBURG, Leona H., b. 1917, buried next to e.l. ellenburg FARMER, Thomas, b. 20-feb-1894, d. 29-aug-1960 FISHER, Ansel, b. 28-oct-1939, d. 29-oct-1939, twin FISHER, Blanche, b. 4-jun-1933, d. 24-nov-1935 FISHER, Della R., b. 29-nov-1911, d. 27-nov-1992, h. john fisher FISHER, Hansel, b. 28-oct-1939, d. 29-oct-1939, twin FISHER, Harold, b. 1931, d. 1999 FISHER, John, b. 12-dec-1910, d. 8-aug-1971, w. d.r. fisher FORTUNE, Infant Daughter, p. robert & rosana fortune FORTUNE, Robert A., b. 1876, d. 1955, w. r.m. fortune FORTUNE, Rosana M., b. 1879, d. 1907, h. r.a. fortune GALLOWAY, Minnie E., b. 7-feb-1911, d. 30-apr-2000 HAGGERTY, Elbert McKenly, b. 14-sep-1900, d. 28-sep-1991 HAGGERTY, Elmer B., b. 4-mar-1863, d. 7-nov-1931 HAGGERTY, Heath, b. 14-jul-1906, a. 1y HAGGERTY, Henry G., b. 1891, d. 1972, buried next to j.h. haggerty HAGGERTY, Infant Daughter, p. e.b. & l.b. haggerty HAGGERTY, Julia H., b. 1908, d. 1940, buried next to h.g. haggerty HAGGERTY, Laura B., b. 10-dec-1862, d. 19-aug-1949 HAMILTON, Arnie, b. 2-oct-1909, p. j.w. & m. hamilton HOLCOMBE, Carl S. (Rev), b. 22-may-1909, d. 11-sep-1972, w. n.p. holcombe HOLCOMBE, Mina P., b. 18-nov-1912, d. 22-aug-1983, h. c.s. colombe HOLCOMBE, Ollie P., b. 5-dec-1906 HOLCOMBE, Orzelie, b. 24-dec-1873, d. 2-nov-1963, h. w.o. colmbe HOLCOMBE, Preston O., b. 13-jun-1895, d. 16-may-1985 HOLCOMBE, Thomas Carl, b. 1973, d. 1973 HOLCOMBE, W.O. (Rev), b. 26-aug-1871, d. 3-mar-1959, w. orzelie holcombe HUDGENS, Jordan Thomas, b. 8-oct-1879, d. 12-mar-1951 HUDGENS, M.T., b. 20-mar-1849, d. 10-apr-1911, w. m.j. hudgens HUDGENS, Mary J. Alexander, b. 11-jan-1858, d. 27-jan-1923, h. m.t. hudgens JOHNSON, Elizabeth Patterson, b. 7-apr-1872, h. william johnson JOHNSON, Rosa C., b. 13-dec-1880, d. 2-feb-1968 JOHNSON, William, b. 23-apr-1871, d. 20-jan-1951, w. elizabeth johnson KELLEY, Becca H., b. jan-1875, d. sep-1910 LADD, Calvin James, b. 18-sep-1999, d. 18-sep-1999, correct dates reported as being b. 18-sep-1990 & d. 18-sep-1990 by Malinda Ladd on 1-jul-2007 LUSK, Edith, b. 20-oct-1936 LUSK, Margaret C., b. 1914, d. 1934 LUSK, Ray, b. 2-nov-1941 LUSK, Wilburn, b. 10-nov-1934 McCANN, Donna, b. 1984, d. 1984 PATTERSON, Calloway, b. 4-apr-1881, d. 12-feb-1924 PATTERSON, Cora, 22-feb-1872, d. 11-mar-1906, h. h.j. patterson PATTERSON, E.M., b. 8-may-1874, d. 6-aug-1911, p. james & n.j. patterson PATTERSON, Elbert, b. 19-dec-1900, d. 8-jan-1901, p. j.h. & m.j. patterson PATTERSON, Eunice Mary Tucker, b. 15-apr-1921, d. 2-mar-1990 PATTERSON, Grace P., b. 16-aug-1882, d. 18-dec-1973 PATTERSON, H. Jack, b. 3-jun-1864, d. 3-apr-1943, w. cora patterson PATTERSON, Hastings, b. 28-oct-1897, d. 22-jul-1901 PATTERSON, Hillard F., b. 17-jul-1903, d. 6-jun-1938 PATTERSON, Ida M., b. 14-may-1898, d. 16-oct-1918 PATTERSON, James H., b. 1876, d. 1975, w. m.j. patterson PATTERSON, James, b. 10-may-1935, d. 5-jul-1935, p. j.m. & laverne PATTERSON, James, b. 16-oct-1839, d. 6-may-1917, w. n.j. patterson PATTERSON, Jessie Mae, b. 3-jun-1915, d. 16-nov-1927 PATTERSON, John M., b. 14-jul-1870, d. 2-oct-1934 PATTERSON, John, b. 4-nov-1892, d. 1-may-1985 PATTERSON, Linda, b. 11-mar-1819, d. 20-may-1908, w. j.b. patterson PATTERSON, Malinda, b. 19-may-1896, d. 29-may-1896 PATTERSON, Martha J., b. 1881, d. 1953, h. j.h. patterson PATTERSON, Mary, b. 30-apr-1900, d. 19-jul-1901 PATTERSON, Nammer F. Powell, b. 27-may-1878, d. 11-aug-1930 PATTERSON, Narsisie J., b. 22-may-1834, d. 20-sep-1909, h. james patterson PATTERSON, O., b. 5-jun-1900. d. 14-jun-1900 PATTERSON, Ressie B., b. 5-feb-1906, d. 20-may-1906 PATTERSON, Ruby, b. 5-sep-1922, d. 10-may-1928 POWELL, Eleanor, b. 12-apr-1849, d. 17-oct-1916, h. w.a. powell POWELL, Elishia, b. 3-jun-1880, d. 15-mar-1961 POWELL, Shearren, b. 15-oct-1906, d. 7-sep-1909, p. m.c. & janey powell RAMEY, Ernest (Rev), b. 17-aug-1917, d. 22-dec-1987, buried next to v.m. ramey RAMEY, Pearlie Etta, b. apr-1926, d. jun-1926 RAMEY, Pearlie Hamilton, b. 22-may-1898, d. apr-1926 RAMEY, Virginia M., b. 3-apr-1931, d. 25-oct-1997, buried next to ernest ramey RAMEY, William D., b. 23-mar-1884, d. 13-mar-1959 REID, Fannie Poole, b. 16-nov-1900, d. 30-dec-1971 REID, Mary Sanders, b. 3-feb-1877, d. 2-jul-1940 REID, Reubert J., b. 13-jan-1887, d. 13-oct-1976 ROBINSON, Cara, b. 5-oct-1891, d. 15-dec-1956 ROBINSON, Clayton, b. 27-nov-1915, d. 20-dec-1915 ROBINSON, Elizabeth, b. 30-nov-1921, d. 30-nov-1921 ROBINSON, John W., b. 19-aug-1849, d. 30-jun-1927 ROBINSON, Lyod, b. 12-nov-1920, d. 1-dec-1920 ROBINSON, Sheldon, b. 3-jun-1911, d. 8-nov-1915 ROBINSON, W.A., b. 21-oct-1881, d. 9-dec-1964 SMITH, James STAMEY, Carlee, b. 1922, d. 1962 STAMEY, Michael Ned, b. 18-nov-1965, d. 20-oct-1993 STAMEY, Ned E., b. 10-feb-1924, d. 21-apr-1986, buried nect to v.c. stamey STAMEY, Pauline, b. 1931, d. 1980 STAMEY, Viola C., b. 30-apr-1922, buried next to n.e. stamey STANCELL, J. Keith, b. 1925, d. 1981, w. r.h. stancell STANCELL, Reba H., b. 1926, h. j.k. stancell STEWART, Bruce, b. 5-jul-1897, d. 4-apr-1968, w. julia stewart STEWART, J.C., b. 20-oct-1923, w. wilma stewart STEWART, James Bruce, b. 5-jul-1897, d. 4-apr-1968 STEWART, Julia, b. 24-mar-1903, d. 15-jun-1987, h. bruce stewart STEWART, Wilma, b. 29-aug-1929, d. 18-jan-2000, h. j.c. stewart SUMMEY, Freddy Martin, b. 7-may-1913, d. 7-oct-1914 SUMMEY, Lester V., b. 28-jul-1911, d. 18-aug-1911 SUMMEY, Lucious Leon, b. 27-sep-1920, d. 27-aug-1921 TALLEY, Ada P., b. 13-dec-1896, d. 23-feb-1963, h. j.d. talley TALLEY, Furman H., b. 24-jun-1913, d. 31-may-1914, p. j.d. & a.p. talley TALLEY, Joseph Dyar, b. 10-oct-1884, d. 5-sep-1941, w. a.p. talley TALLEY, Nancy A., b. 14-jun-1854, d. 17-jan-1930, h. r.d. talley TALLEY, R.D., b. 4-may-1846, w. nancy talley THOMAS, Infant, p. rhett & inez thomas TULEY, Infant Daughter WEBB, Donnie, b. 1983, d. 1992 WHITE, Donald (Sr), b. 16-feb-1948, d. 14-feb-1973 WHITE, Donald Joe (Jr), b. 6-sep-1965, d. 7-sep-1985 WHITMIRE, Eloise, b. 28-feb-1910, d. 6-nov-1988, h. riley whitmire WHITMIRE, Inez, b. 18-sep-1934, d. 11-oct-1934 WHITMIRE, Riley (Jr), b. 23-jun-1955, d. 7-mar-1958 WHITMIRE, Riley, b. 24-jun-1902, d. 1-aug-1985, w. e.t. whitmire